How to Care for Sansevieria Cylindrica Plants: Tips & Tricks

How to Care for Sansevieria Cylindrica Plants

Despite knowing the many advantages of keeping house plants, are you the sort of person who is hesitant to have plants in your home because you’ve had a few plant deaths?

Have you come to the conclusion that caring for plants would take too much of your time and resources? You have come to the right place if “yes” was your response to either of those questions.

We present to you, the perfect plant for all beginners, the Sansevieria Cylindrica. Also known as the African Spear Plant. 

Trust us, it truly is just that simple to care for the Cylindrica Plant, which also has the added advantages of filtering pollutants and cleaning the air in your house. It only serves to make this a better option for your first or future planting experience!

You’ll be thrilled to learn that these plants are simple to maintain, and we’ll introduce you to the vast universe of plants in a way that won’t make you feel horrible about your plant parenting skills.

All you need to know about the Sansevieria Cylindrica Plant is contained in the article we have put together. We have covered everything, including where to find it, how to take care of plants, and how to prevent further plant death.

Sansevieria Cylindrica Plant Basics

Sansevieria Cylindrica Plant in a pot

The Sansevieria plant is part of the succulent family and originally grows in Africa.

This plant has many names. African Spear Plant, Sansevieria Plant, Cylindrical Snake Plant, and even Elephants Toothpick are some of the names you may come across for it. So keep that in mind while you look for this plant in stores.

For the purpose of this article, we will mostly stick to its botanical name, Sansevieria Cylindrica.

Reasons to Purchase a Sansevieria Cylindrica Plant

The Sansevieria Cylindrica Plant or as you might know it, the “snake plant” has gained a reputation for being one of the most popular indoor plants. But the reputable nature of this plant doesn’t come unwarranted, as this plant has various benefits including:

  • The plant releases oxygen at night.
  • The plant filters airborne toxins
  • The plant needs little human intervention to thrive.

These benefits all make up the components for an ideal indoor plant, especially for inexperienced gardeners. You might even spot these plants in large offices or working spaces too as they are thought to help increase mental and physical well-being.

Our TOP Pick

Sansevieria Assorted Plants

This charming 3-pack mix of trendy Sansevieria plants is a must-have for any home décor enthusiast. Versatile and low-maintenance, they thrive both indoors and outdoors and can be showcased in a variety of planters.

Identifying a Sansevieria Cylindrica Plant

Close up of Sansevieria Cylindrica Plant leaves

When identifying the plant, you will want to look for leaves that have a cylindrical snake shape that narrows further to the tip. The plants themselves can grow up to six feet tall and are usually around two feet wide.

White flowers may also begin to blossom from the center if properly cared for and planted in their best growing season, which is Spring. – This is a sign of a healthy Cylindrica Plant!

Sometimes, you might discover the plant has been braided. This is to provide a unique look and encourage buyers to purchase the Sansevieria Cylindrica Plant. This design is considered to be more in keeping with the modern architectural design that is present in homes. 

Keep in mind, the plant naturally grows upright and will not continue to grow in a braided pattern.

Sansevieria Cylindrica Care

You’ll be relieved to learn that taking Cylindrica care is rather simple and requires little money or effort to keep the plant alive.

Originally, these plants were found in Angola in South West Africa. These African plants, they naturally grew in dense, dry areas. Due to little human interaction, the plants became accustomed to neglect and therefore require little water and can also survive in low-light areas.

That being said, if you want your plant to reach its full potential, then there are specific things that you should do.

Light and temperature 

Despite naturally growing outdoors, Sansevieria Cylindrica Plants are not outdoor plants. The reason why they are defined as a houseplant is that they will grow more effectively at room temperature. So, if you can keep it inside, you should. 

When situating the plant in your house, you should treat it like most other indoor plants. Find a north facing window, preferably with sheer curtains, where sunlight can still reach the plant. This plant thrives when the temperature is around 59°F (15°C) and 73°F (23°C). 

With that in mind, if you would prefer to keep your plant outside, then it will require more Cylindrica care. 

The morning sun will wash the plant, but the afternoon sun, when it is at its hottest, will harm it. If you live in a region of the world that often suffers high temperatures, this is extremely crucial. To avoid too much sunlight exposure, move the plant into a shaded area during this time.

As for the winter, this is when you may want to consider taking the plant inside, if you haven’t already. The optimal environment for growth of this plant is in hot and dry areas, anything below 50°F (10°C) can cause damage.


While this plant doesn’t have any particular nutritional needs, the pH levels should ideally range from 5.5 to 5.7.

When searching for the correct soil to use, you should look for sandy soil that doesn’t retain water. If you find soil with a low peat content, that should work. You could even add a small amount of perlite to aid in aeration.

Purchase the soil that is labeled for succulents, often Cactus Potting Mix will work just fine. 


Miracle-Gro Succulent Potting Mix

The best succulent potting mix for Sansevieria Cylindrica is Miracle-Gro since it is made to fulfill the unique requirements of succulent plants. Its combination of premium components, gradually releasing nutrients, and pH-balanced formula offers the plant the best possible growing circumstances, including optimum drainage, aeration, and the formation of strong roots.


The key component to remember when it comes to soil care, is that soggy soil can be fatal.

The primary issues that plant owners often have are rain and overwatering, and the Sansevieria Cylindrica Plant is no exception. The roots of this plant will rot if it is overwatered.

This plant is equipped to endure periods of drought and it is recommended that you only water this plant once a week during the seasons of Spring to Fall. 

When watering, do not allow excess water to sit around or at the bottom of the pot. Release any water that has not been soaked up by the soil using the drainage holes.

In winter conditions, the soil is less likely to become dry quickly. With that in mind, you will find that Snake Plants only need to be watered once a month during the colder months.


Due to its convenient low maintenance, you will not need to fertilize this plant often or even at all.

If you do choose to fertilize the plant, only fertilize the plant during the seasons of Fall to Spring with a fertilizer that is created for succulents.

Use only half the advised strength while doing this. It will perish if you overfeed the plant.

BEST Fertilizer

Succulent and Cactus Fertilizer

Succulent Potting Mix is a specially created combination of granular plant meals for many different types of succulent and cactus plants. It offers appropriate ratios of vital nutrients and minerals. A low-maintenance choice for potted indoor or outdoor houseplants. It offers mild feeding rates that won’t over-concentrate in the soil and can persist for several months after application. Because of its simple application technique, it may be applied to any substrate. Giving it a flexible option for all succulent plant fans.

Also, never use fertilizer on these plants in the winter, as this is the plant’s slow growing season. Putting fertilizer on this plant during this time may damage the plant.


Snake plants grow slowly at room temperature. If you keep them inside, it’s possible that you won’t need to repot them for many years.

With that in mind, if you do need to repot the plant, you should do so during spring

Simply, find a new container that is wide enough for the plant to sit comfortably. 

Whilst the plant is adjusting to its new environment, only add a small amount of water. You can tell the plant has adjusted by seeing new growth in the plant. 


You can easily propagate these plants and you should! Having multiple snake plants around your home is extremely beneficial, as they release oxygen into the air. 

Knowing when your plant is ready to be propagated, though, is essential. Runners or offshoots may begin to entangle with the leaves; if this happens, cut them off. Replant them if they are at least 2 inches long.

Note that you must plant these leaves straight and follow to the same maintenance guidelines we went through.

When the new snake plants begin to grow, it is advised that you wait until they are each 6 inches tall before repotting them in their own pots. 

Issues That May Arise With a Spear Sansevieria Plant

A row of Sansevieria Cylindrica plants sitting outside

If you follow the instructions in this article, it is unlikely that you will have much problems cultivating these plants.

That being said, there might be a few key issues that may arise. 

Growing problems

As mentioned previously, the number one issue that occurs is that the plants receive too much water. Over watering will cause the plant’s roots to rot and the plant will stop growing. 

You can prevent this by monitoring the plants’ water intake. For example, keeping the plant indoors if rainfall is expected and only watering when it is essential.

Also, ensure that the plant pot has effective drainage and the plant is not kept in a cold environment. 

Pro Tip: If you think your plant has been overwatered, look for leaves that have turned yellow. If you do notice these, you can cut away the healthy parts of the plant and repot it.


It is unlikely that your plant will be disturbed by pests, however if it does, it will likely be Vine Weevils

These pests tend to eat the edges of the leaves, which causes damage that cannot be reversed

If you catch the pests quickly, you may be able to save your plant, depending on if the roots have been attacked. In an attempt to revive the plant, you can try covering the plant in Neem Oil – which may bring your plant back to life. 


We are happy to report that due to the easy nature of these plants, diseases are uncommon

The only one that is worth mentioning is that a fungal infection could occur, but only if the plant has received too much water. If you can save the plant from the overwatering, the fungal infection can be treated using fungicides

girl holding a pot of flower on her hand inside a flower shop

Where to Buy a Sansevieria Cylindrica Plant 

Sansevieria Cylindrica Plant’s are easy to find in most locations around the world and are only seemingly gaining in popularity.

You will almost always find some form of snake plant in a garden center but you can also see them popping up in everyday shopping stores, usually in the furniture section.

That being said, if you want to give your plant the best chance of surviving, you should opt to visit a gardening center near you, where the snake plants are kept in a suitable environment.

A great rule of thumb is to look for plants that are kept either indoors with access to natural sunlight or outdoors. 

If you purchase from an everyday convenience store, the plant has likely been kept under artificial lighting which could significantly reduce the health of the plant. This will also likely mean that the plant will require more effort to reach its potential.

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In conclusion, the Sansevieria Cylindrica Plant is an amazing beginner plant for those that know little about plant care. 

This is because the plant itself is easy to care for, as it requires minimal amounts of light, warmth, water or fertilizer. 

The snake plant is mainly known for its air-purifying tendency, making it perfect for filtering toxins in indoor spaces.

However, there are a few key instructions to remember. The plants should not be over-watered, over-fertilized, or kept in cold temperatures as this can be fatal.

There are certain things that you can do to help your plants thrive including occasionally fertilizing with a succulent fertilizer during the months of spring to fall, keeping the plant out of cold or wet conditions and ensuring that after experiencing rainfall or watering the plant, the pot is well drained.

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